Ideas, Inspiration, Spaces, Places, Treasures and Happy Finds

Sunday 13 February 2011

Bumper Etsy Finds!

Hello Hello

I've been going a bit crazy on Etsy this week (not buying, but window shopping) and I have 4 Treasury lists to share - eeek!

The first two I did midweek and are based on two of my personal obsessions - notebooks... and enamelware!

For some reason, my family has a bit of a notebook issue - my Dad, is seriously addicted to them, my sister is pretty bad too, and me.... well, I have a whole pile just waiting to be used! In fact, I think I have an addiction to all kinds of stationary - I was literally obsessed with WH Smiths when I was younger...(when it had the old brown and orange logo....anyone remember that or am I officially old?)

I made a bit of a resolution to use all my notebooks up this year rather than keep buying new ones, so maybe this treasury list was a way of getting my fix - anyway, here are a few favourite picks;

Notebook by  Larara
Chalkboard label by poofycheeks

Traingle Memo Stickers from minakim

Mmmmmm - stationary..... make a note of the whole list here!

And now onto list number 2... Enamelware Heaven  - well, what can I say, another thing I have a bit of a problem with.... 

Its something about the colour and the finish of these items that does it for me - they're a bit utilitarian, but also really really cute! Again, i'm blaming this one on my family - this time my mum - she had a fair few enamelware bins in her kitchen, and now I have the same for storing bread and flour. I love using enamel pots and mugs as plant pots for herbs and flowers, and for bringing a bit of a colour splash to the kitchen. 

What would you use these for?

Metalware Cannister, Retrovertigo

Enamelware bowl from Sweetcindylouwho

Polka Dot Enamel Jug, Redstripevintage

Lovely stuff eh? Hope it provides a little inspiration........I'm off for a little stroll to blow the cobwebs away, and later on I'll try and post the next two treasuries and some other bits for the week ahead. 

Happy Sunday
L. x

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